More than 450 homes successfully transferred to new landlord
25 January 2024
We’ve successfully completed the transfer of more than 450 of our homes in southern England to MTD Housing Limited.

We have transferred 458 homes to MTD Housing Limited
MTD is a registered provider that has partnered with Sutton Housing Partnership to deliver a range of management services to local residents and has established connections in the areas where transfers have taken place.
The move follows a review of the homes we manage in order to deliver the best possible services to customers. We’re planning to invest funds from the sale into improving our existing homes and building new social and affordable homes in areas where they are needed most.
Michael Reece, Chief Property Officer at A2Dominion, said: “We’re pleased to say that this transfer of ownership and housing management went seamlessly, ensuring that homes will continue to be managed to a high standard by MTD.
“Our customers are in good hands and will benefit from services being delivered more locally. We’re looking forward to reinvesting these funds into improving our existing homes and accelerating plans to build more affordable and social homes closer to our regional offices.”
We shared proposals for the transfer of the homes and sought feedback from residents during a consultation period in 2023 before making a final decision to go ahead, with the contract exchanged in December 2023 and completed in January 2024.
Faithorn Farrell Tims acted as our agent for the process.