Providing high-quality services

In order to provide high-quality services for our customers, we procure goods and services that match the high standards we set for everything we do.

We always review the quality of goods and services along with value for money before we make a decision, working where possible with businesses with similar core values to ours.

We have extensive experience of collaboratively working with suppliers, and take pride in the relationships we develop.

Procurement within the UK

We purchase goods and services in accordance with the UK's Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Contracts that exceed UK thresholds (currently £213,477 for services and supplies, £5,336,937 for works and £663,540 for ‘light touch’ services) will be advertised via the UK Cabinet Office's Find a Tender Service (FTS).

Current tender opportunities

If you are interested in supplying goods, services or works to us please visit our tendering portal, Delta, to view our latest opportunities.

A2Dominion’s Standard Terms of Purchase

Unless a separate contract has been signed by an appropriate A2Dominion representative, purchase orders are based upon A2Dominion’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information and guidance on payments and accounts, please refer to our Purchase to Pay guide.