New campaign launched to put customers at the heart of decision-making

This month, we’re launching our new customer engagement programme to get more of our residents involved with shaping and improving the services we deliver.
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We’re launching our new customer engagement programme
We’re inviting customers to sign-up to take part in a range of activities, such as providing feedback on specific topics, reviewing our services and assessing our performance.

As set out in our new corporate strategy, we’re committed to collaborating with customers to identify where we need to do better and key areas to focus on for the future. This will provide us with the foundation for our services to continually improve to meet changing expectations and needs.

Gary Blatcher, Director of Customer Experience, said: “The voice of our customers is important to us and should be at the heart of everything we do. We need their help to shape the services we deliver both now and in the future.

“We want to make it as easy as we can for everyone to get involved by offering different options to share feedback. This includes small things they can do at home, such as completing a short survey, to joining our customer involvement groups or opportunities to influence our policies and how we communicate.

“We understand many people are time short and we’ve created flexible opportunities that can be fitted around other commitments and individual preferences. We hope this will encourage more customers, across all our communities, to get involved.”

Everyone who joins our involvement panel will be fully supported by our Customer Engagement Team. There’ll also be opportunities for them to get training, attend conferences and networking opportunities.

For more information get in touch on 0800 432 0077 or email

Read the full customer news story.