11 August 2021
A2Dominion puts its customers first
A2Dominion, one of the UK’s leading housing providers, had demonstrated its resilience over the past year, continuing to provide essential services and ensuring the safety of its customers and employees.
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23 July 2021
New toolkit cuts costs and could unlock better service for customers
A2Dominion’s Assistant Director of Property Services, Gary Bellenger, was invited to speak at a national event to launch a new toolkit which will help housing associations dramatically improve how they manage data about their homes, improving the service for customers.
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17 June 2021
New services to support Spelthorne residents going through difficult times
A2Dominion and Spelthorne Borough Council have joined forces to deliver a new one-stop advice shop to help residents find employment, tackle debt or improve their wellbeing.
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16 June 2021
A2Dominion confirms list of 29 preferred suppliers to join £900m development framework
A2Dominion has revealed the list of its preferred building contractors to deliver development projects worth £900m over the next four years. It will also be available to public sector organisations and other qualifying bodies to access during this time.
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26 May 2021
Five A2Dominion customers share £15,000 to support budding small businesses
A2Dominion has awarded a total of £15,000 of start-up capital to five customers following the Boardroom Final of this year’s Enterprise Programme, held on Saturday, 22 May.
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24 May 2021
A2Dominion and Clarion Futures launch West Ealing Grants Programme
A2Dominion’s Partnership and Fundraising team has joined forces with Clarion Futures, the charitable arm of Clarion Housing Group, to launch the West Ealing Grants Programme; a three-year project offering financial support to small charities, community organisations and residents’ groups in Ealing.
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